About me

I am living my immigrant father’s dreams. I went to San Francisco public schools, Argonne, Presidio, Lowell. I went to Harvard, a great college. I have had professional success. I worked to cure cancer; I received a Merck research award. I switched careers and I built new market-rate and affordable housing. Now I want to help my step up and give back.

Looking back, a lot of who I am is thanks to public schools. My Presidio Middle School english teacher, Ms. Johnson, taught me poetry. There is one poem I remember to this day, “beauty is truth and truth beauty.”

Let’s think about that line. How much truth is there today? I have a vision to make SF schools beautiful.

I am running for the Board of Education to bring back truth and beauty to San Francisco public schools. I would be honored if you would join me.

Why vote for me?

I’m a proud product of San Francisco’s public schools, shaped by the experiences and support I received from dedicated educators and staff at Argonne Elementary, Presidio Middle School, and Lowell High School. My parents were immigrants who valued public education, and thanks to all those who believed in me, this SFUSD kid went on to attend Harvard for college and Stanford for graduate school.

Times are tough now and students are in need of so much support. As the city of San Francisco, we could use someone on the school board of education who has K-12 experience in the SFUSD and can speak for student needs through all the different grades. 

For me, it’s personal. 

I’ve been fighting for SFUSD students for years. I participated in the School Board Recall from day one, volunteering long days to accumulate hundreds of petition signatures. I fought to reinstate 8th-grade algebra to advance STEM education as part of Prop G for the March 2024 ballot—and won. 

I am the guy who got SFUSD to follow the law when they spent $744 million worth of taxpayer bond money on school facilities in the dark. I single-handedly brought the district into compliance. I'm the only candidate who has been volunteering for the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee for years, partnering with the new auditors to make sure the money is spent well. (I kind of like spreadsheets.)

And I have been working for our teachers. I was there with the teachers when they slept overnight at the SFUSD main office to protest the terrible EmPower teacher payroll software—for reference, EMPower is the $14 million payroll system that failed to pay hundreds of S.F. Unified School District teachers and staff on time, and has been full of bugs and other issues since it was launched in 2022. I was a member of the Civil Grand Jury who reported on the district's poor practices in hiring and training teachers and we have brought improvements.

I’m running for School Board because the public schools of San Francisco made me who I am today, and I’m dedicated to giving back. 

I’m a SFUSD graduate who will put the students first. Vote for me!